Fundamental Research and Overseas Cooperation Office (025-83790575、83790506)

Staff : Bi Jianxin, Kong Lingjuan
Working place: Room 107, Sipailou Campus library
Responsible for the endeavor and management of various projects of natural science funds and projects including innovation group, SRFDP, Jiansu Provincial natural science funds; training, selection, declaration and management of various talents;scientific cooperation with overseas governments and research institutions and coordination of International united lab.
1.Responsible for planning, organization,declaration and management of various projects of national natural science committee and preparation of all the meetings of national natural science committee.
2.Responsible for endeavor, declaration and management of various talents such as innovation team at all levels, creative groups, outstanding youth and various team projects, declaration and management of talents in Ministry of Education for new century.
3.Responsible for organization, declaration and management of various funds such as SRFDP and Huo Yingdong fund and subsidization to the winner of outstanding doctoral paper.
4.Responsible for declaration, process management and acceptance of various projects of Jiangsu provincial natural science funds.
5.Responsible for declaration,endeavor and management of various international cooperation projects and initial funding for returned overseas students and scientific cooperation overseas institutions in China.
6.Responsible for connection, scientific cooperation with and project management of overseas and research institutions.
7.Assisting Achievements and Base Office with declaration, process management of BDIL.
8.Responsible for daily contact and management of International science and technology network.
9.Responsible for daily work of office for  basic scientific research fees management.
10.Responsible for evaluation and management university publishing funds and various scientific research sponsored and planned projects.
11.Responsible for management of science & technology work of “985”& “211”projects.
12. Responsible for selection and training of key young talents of science and technology in the university.

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